
Acri finances 70 young researchers working abroad

Prizes of the Acri, which brings together the banking foundations and is chaired by Giuseppe Guzzetti, to deserving researchers from the European and non-European area

Acri finances 70 young researchers working abroad

What do multiphase fluid dynamics and the links between art and cognitive sciences have in common, or advanced surgery and quantitative methods applied to the economy, or the analysis of heterogeneous data coming from smartphones, satellites or other sensor networks and the electrical conductivity of fluids, or, again, the performance of new generation electronic systems and the science of colloids? Apparently nothing, except for the fact that these are important fields of knowledge that are often the subject of advanced research; but this could by now be valid for any field of human activity.

In truth, in our case, the sectors mentioned are those that will be treated in the coming months, exactly between May and October 2016, in a series of international scientific congresses which will make use of the theoretical and experimental contribution of scientists from from all over the world and the participation of over 70 young Italian and foreign researchers working abroad, whose work for a month in our country will be supported with the contribution of 12 foundations of banking origin. They have made 300 euros available, which will be paid to the universities and research centers organizing the selected events through a "Young Investigator Training Program" promoted by the ACRI Scientific Research Commission.

«This is an important opportunity to promote scientific research and international collaborations between research centers through the mobility of young researchers – observes Paolo Andrei, president of the Commission -. Working in Italy for a month at institutes in our country will allow for the establishment and consolidation of relationships between foreign research groups and Italian groups for the definition of programs of common interest. Involving young researchers from abroad in the activity of the host centers through the production of papers that will be presented in the congresses selected by Acri seemed to us the best way to achieve this goal».

The 8 congresses selected, from about three times the number of proposals (23), will be held in various parts of Italy: in Rome, from 4 to 6 September, that of the European Colloid and Interface Society and, from 25 to 29 September, the 118 ° Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery; in Milan, from 22 to 25 June, that of the Association for Applied Econometrics and, from 26 to 28 October, the first international meeting on Aesthetics of Emotions: Arts and Cognitive Science; in Turin, from 8 to 11 May, the 20th IEEE Workshop Signal and Power Integrity; in Florence, from 22 to 27 May, the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow; in Cagliari, in the month of June, the 10th International Conference on Fundamentals and Applied MHD; in Matera, in July, the conference on Challenges in Data Science.
The Acri call was addressed to universities, public or private research institutes and other research bodies, provided they were not for profit and actively engaged in the scientific and technological research sector. The funds are assigned to young researchers in the form of a "Research Prize" for an amount of 3 euros each for researchers from the European area and 4 euros for all the others.
Institutions selected as organizers of the scientific congresses will also be awarded a grant for secretarial expenses up to a maximum of 4 euros.
