
Water, Italian industry towards a new Renaissance

The conference "The Italian water industry in a European perspective" organized by Bocconi with Agici highlighted that the integrated water service sector is experiencing a process of improvement with peaks of excellence and recovery of investments even if much still remains to be done . Presented the book by Andrea Gilardoni

Water, Italian industry towards a new Renaissance

The conference "The Italian water industry in a European perspective" was held on April 10 in the Aula Magna of the Bocconi University, during which issues concerning the integrated water service were explored with the participation of the top management of the sector .

Often only the critical issues are seen in the water sector, the conference highlighted that this perception is wrong. Based on what emerged:

  • the regulation of the Authority has triggered a process of improvement, both from the point of view of investments and from the point of view of the economic/financial solidity of the companies.
  • While facing profoundly different situations, the managers offer high quality services at a reasonable price (about 2 euros per m3 on average in Italy, against a European average of 3,5 euros with peaks of up to 8 euros); they are also able to invest in innovation, with peaks of technological excellence at all stages of the supply chain.
  • Although there is still a lot to do both in terms of investments (between 500 and 1.000 euros per inhabitant in the next 5-10 years at European level; about 10 billion euros in southern Italy in the next 5 years) and in quality of service, after years of stagnation, a sort of new Renaissance of the sector emerges which certainly needs to be consolidated, but which certainly appears positive.
  • With the Authority's strong role, the issue of public or private water management should take a back seat. What really matters is the quality of services for citizens and it is on this that the public debate must be concentrated and Arera is moving in this direction.

What is the image of the Italian water sector at European level? Is it true that the infrastructure and the management of the service present only critical issues as is often reported by the media? Is it possible to talk about paths of excellence and improvement processes? These are some of the questions at the center of the conference organized by Bocconi University on April 10 in Milan.

The event, after the opening greetings of the Rector Gianmario Verona, saw as speakers Andrea Colli and Andrea Gilardoni (Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management of Bocconi University), Alberto Biancardi (ARERA and WAREG), Michele Falcone (Group CAP and CEEP), Maria Vittoria Pisante (Veolia Water Technologies Italy), Thomas van Gilst (EIB), Lorenzo Bardelli (ARERA), PierPaolo Carini (EGEA), Stefano Cetti (MM), Nicola De Sanctis (AQP), Fabio Giuseppini ( IRETI), Gianluca Gustani (CDP), Paolo Romano (SMAT), Stefano Venier (HERA); the conclusions were entrusted to Giovanni Valotti (A2A and Utilitalia).

The first panel explored the topic of Italian water services seen from abroad, with particular reference to the regulatory, institutional, corporate and financial plan; the second part of the conference, on the other hand, was dedicated to the presentation of the best experiences of the sector's protagonists.

The picture that emerges is of an integrated water service that has peaks of excellence, also at the European level, albeit with some critical areas. The industry is fully aware of the importance of the services it provides and of the role it plays in the development of the territory: this awareness, together with the growth of investments and technological innovation, is probably the clearest sign of the new "Renaissance" of the water sector.

The event was also an opportunity to present some of the cases covered in the book “The Italian Water Industry. Cases of Excellence” (Ed. Springer).

"It is now established, the Authority has played a central role in triggering a process of improvement throughout the sector" - he commented Andrea Gilardoni, Professor of Economics and Business Management at Bocconi and President of AGICI. "More than debates on public or private water, the issues of transparency and good management are of crucial importance today, necessary conditions to guarantee a quality service". And he concluded: "It is also very important that the renewal of ARERA members takes place by choosing quality people who consolidate the path undertaken".
