
SACE Fct - ANCE Lombardia agreement for supplier companies of the PA

New agreement of the factoring company of the SACE group aimed at promoting its products and helping businesses, especially medium-small ones, in difficulty due to late payments by the Public Administration

SACE Fct continues its support activity for supplier companies of the PA by signing an agreement with ANCE Lombardia, the association of Lombard companies in the building and construction sector, which will allow member companies to access factoring services at favorable conditions. Specifically, the agreement provides that ANCE undertakes to make the offer of factoring services known to its members, while SACE Fct will follow them in the process of choosing the best product.

Thanks to the agreement, member companies will be guaranteed access to advantageous conditions to the "Reverse Factoring PA" product created by SACE Fct in collaboration with Poste Italiane (see SACE Fct agreement - Terni Business Association on PA payments) which will make it possible to request activation of the factoring relationship at PosteImpresa branches.

The agreement signed today has a broad scope, in fact, it potentially involves the approximately 10.000 companies associated with the Lombard section of ANCE which employ a total of almost 300.000 workers.

"Today's agreement represents another important result for SACE Fct in support of the Italian economic system and strengthens our commitment in a sector, such as construction, which is particularly affected by the current economic situation - explained Franco Pagliardi, General Manager of SACE Fct -. The partnership with a company like ANCE Lombardia consolidates our closeness to the local entrepreneurial fabric and confirms our commitment in a region where we have other important agreements for the disinvestment of receivables from the PA".

 “In a moment of great difficulty in the market, both public and private, this initiative aims to provide, at least for the public sphere, a tool which allows companies, albeit in the face of some renunciation on their part, which have credits towards of Public Administrations, to take a breather - commented Gianluigi Coghi, Coordinator of the Study Center of ANCE Lombardia. It is an initiative which, together with the others launched at national and provincial level in terms of credit transfer, we hope will support the activity of the companies associated with ANCE to get out of the crisis the sector has been in for four years now" .

The press release is available at the following address

