
Iran nuclear deal, Obama: "Now the world is safer"

According to the President of the United States, "every road towards nuclear weapons has been interrupted", also because the agreement "is not built on trust, but on verifications: if Iran violates it, the sanctions will be reinstated" - Congress is warned: “I will veto any filibustering attempt.”

Iran nuclear deal, Obama: "Now the world is safer"

“I am confident that this agreement will serve the national security interests of the United States and our allies. The United States will continue to advance its engagement with allies in the Middle East and to test the possibility that the Middle East could move in a different direction”. The president of the United States said, Barack Obama, on the agreement reached in Vienna between the 5+1 powers (United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom and Germany) and Tehran on the Iranian nuclear program. The reference is undoubtedly also to Israel, which has defined the agreement as "an historical error".

According to Obama, however, at this point “every road towards nuclear weapons is cut off. I have no doubts that in 10 or 15 years the person in my position will be in a stronger position”, also because the agreement “is not built on trust – he added -, but on checks. If Iran violates the agreement, the sanctions will be reinstated." 

Obama then announced that he will "veto any law that prevents the implementation of this agreement": a clear warning to the US Congress, which, with a Republican majority, will probably try to stop the agreement.

“The world powers have shown what they can do when they are united – said the number one in the White House -. History shows that America must lead not only with her strength, but with her principles as well.”

The agreement, Obama reiterated, "will prevent Tehran from having a nuclear weapon" and "this demonstrates that diplomacy can bring about real changes. The agreement satisfies all the conditions, from the need for inspections to the duty of transparency. Iran will not produce enriched uranium”. 

Finally, the US President quoted Kennedy: "We never negotiate on the basis of fear, but we are not afraid of negotiations".
