
Mediaset-Tim agreement: Infinity programs on Timvision

The agreement will last 3 years - Timvision customers will be offered offers to subscribe to the Mediaset Infinity subscription, which allows, among other things, to watch 104 Champions League matches

Mediaset-Tim agreement: Infinity programs on Timvision

Mediaset e Tim have signed a multi-year deal for non-exclusive distribution of the app Mediaset Infinity Platform timvision. The collaboration will start on July XNUMXst and will last for three years.

Timvision customers will receive dedicated offers to subscribe to the Mediaset Infinity service, which allows, among other things, to see 104 Champions League games every season, in addition to the 17 available free-to-air on Canale 5.

"The partnership represents an important step forward in the innovation process of the Italian television market and in particular of online content - reads the press release - Through this agreement we also want to give a further boost to the adoption of ultra-broadband and accelerate the process of digitization of the country”.

Recently, Timvision – which in recent years has forged alliances with Netflix, Disney+, Discovery+ and Prime Video – signed an agreement also with Dazn which will allow Tim's service to show Serie A matches until the 2023-2024 season.
