
Abi: towards the reconfirmation of Mussari as president

The new number one of the association will have to be elected by the next meeting – Fir (Bnl): “I'm in favor” – The first meeting of the committee of wise men was held this morning.

Abi: towards the reconfirmation of Mussari as president

“I am in favor of Mussari's confirmation. It is possible, the statute provides for it”. These are the words of Bnl's number one, Luigi Abete, regarding the choice of the new president of the Abi, which must be elected by the next assembly of the association. Sources inside the executive committee indicate among the most probable hypotheses is the confirmation of the outgoing president, Giuseppe Mussari, despite having left the top of Mps.

But to complete the procedure - explained Giovanni Berneschi (Carige) on the sidelines of the meeting of the executive committee of the ABI -, "it will take about two months".

In the meantime, the first meeting of the committee of wise men was held this morning, made up - in addition to Berneschi - of Giovanni Bazoli (Intesa Sanpaolo), Federico Ghizzoni (UniCredit), Camillo Venesio (Banca del Piemonte) and Alessandro Azzi (Federcasse). Their task is to sound out the preferences of the associated banks to arrive at the choice of candidate. 
