
Abi, peace made between Mussari and Fornero

ABI EVENTI – The ABI's human resources conference becomes an opportunity to ratify the new peace between banks and the Government. President Giuseppe Mussari defends the work of Labor Minister Elsa Fornero, who in turn praises the association for having drawn up a renewal of the contract in line with the philosophy of modernization desired by Palazzo Chigi.

Abi, peace made between Mussari and Fornero

?The times of the noisy resignation of the presidency of the ABI against the liberalization decree desired by Prime Minister Mario Monti seem light years away. It was last March XNUMXst, just over a month ago. A completely different wind is blowing today between the bankers' association and the government. Witness the fact that the delay with which Labor Minister Elsa Fornero took part in the discussion did not prevent the spirit of her reform from hovering over the speakers even in her absence. Everyone defended the project: from Giancarlo Durante, ABI trade union director, to Pietro Ichino, labor lawyer and senator among the ranks of the Democrats, passing through Giuseppe Mussari himself, president of ABI.

A renewed harmony. Today, therefore, there is full harmony between bankers and technicians. The same guidelines to motivate the choices, the same desire to innovate the work culture in Italy, the same desire to use "calm tones" in addressing the crucial issues still under discussion. Because, as Mussari himself underlined, the new collective bargaining agreement for bankers "fits virtuously into the labor reform desired by the Government". Not only. Mussari also asked that everything possible be done to give "the best outcome to the parliamentary process of the reform", that is, that snatches and modifications that distort it are avoided and approval is immediately reached. "The government has made an extraordinary effort in a complex situation - continued the president of the banks - taking Italy away from the abyss in which it found itself in the months of November and December and laying the foundations for a positive growth spiral to be triggered" .

The capital-labour matrix. Reform is a first step. Everyone agrees. But the proposal that the bankers are making to the government is to help change what Mussari has defined as "the capital-labour matrix" in Italy. Basically changing the relationship between companies and workers, so that "there is a better relationship between them, greater collaboration, and the company is considered as a common good". In short, a banking pax that extends to the whole country. 

A cultural revolution in the world of work. Words that Minister Fornero immediately made his own. “I am concerned by the fractures that cross the country. Geographical fractures, between the north and south of the peninsula. But also cultural. Because in too many cases I have found employers accusing their employees of lack of commitment in the workplace, and workers accusing companies of exploitation”. Tensions and divisions that the reform, says Fornero, wants to resolve. “I want to clarify that this is a reform for everyone. It has no more or less privileged workers. It will be important that you pass this message for all categories. The country has already shown that it is ready for these changes. This is demonstrated by the cancellation of article 18 which – argues Fornero – is no longer a topic under discussion today because it has already been assimilated”. Word of the minister, who praised the Abi for having drawn up a renewal of the collective agreement in line with the philosophy that guides the Monti government. 
