
A2A, multiutility of Lombardy: green light

The municipal councils of Sondrio, Lecco, Varese, Monza and Como have given the go-ahead for the merger into Acsm-Agam which aims to make its debut (Antitrust permitting) on ​​XNUMXst July next.

A2A, multiutility of Lombardy: green light

It is almost done for the Multiutility of Lombardy, which will develop around Acsm-Agam and under the industrial direction of A2A. In recent days, according to Radiocor, the definitive green light has in fact arrived from the public shareholders involved: so much so that now the goal is to close everything, including the go-ahead from the Antitrust, within the first six months with the debut of the new Acsm-Agam on 2018st July XNUMX.

With a very large bipartisan majority, the municipal councils of Sondrio, Lecco, Varese, Monza and Como - which had already expressed their favor in December but with simple resolutions of direction - have in fact approved the operation; the appeal is missing only the assembly of Lario Reti Holding, the company that brings together the municipalities of Lecco, which will be held in the next few days, in any case in the face of the positive pronouncement of the main member administrations.

The next step, at this point, at the beginning of April, will be the meetings (which have already been called) of the companies involved and which will merge into Acsm-Agam, a multi-utility company rooted in the areas of Como and Monza, which in turn will hold its extraordinary meeting on April 9th.
