
A2a, the cuts in governance are paying off: managers now cost less

The cost of A2a's governance fell by around 25% in 2012 following the cut in remuneration decided by the shareholder Municipalities, ie Milan and Brescia.

A2a, the cuts in governance are paying off: managers now cost less

The cost of governance of A2a, which has two boards of directors (management and supervision), fell by around 25% in 2012 following the cut in remuneration decided by the shareholder Municipalities, i.e. Milan and Brescia. From the report on the remuneration of the Lombard multi-utility, consulted by Radiocor, it emerges that, in all, the 23 directors (including the presidents Graziano Tarantini and Pippo Ranci) cost 3,29 million euros last year compared to 4,4 million in 2011.

In reality, the real annual savings would be higher (about 30%), but in 2012 the reduction in salaries took place between the end of May and the beginning of June and therefore exerted its effects for only seven months. On the other hand, the emoluments of the two general managers, Renato Ravanelli and Paolo Rossetti, remained substantially unchanged, receiving a total of approximately 2 million euros, however donating 100 thousand euros each to charity (deducted from the variable bonus).

Tarantini, chairman of the management board, also donated 50 thousand euros (out of a total annual fixed and variable 700 thousand) as did Ranci, chairman of the supervisory board, who donated 30 thousand euros to charity against an annual fixed amount of 175 thousand euros. already cut by 55% from the previous year.
