
A2A: incoming dividend of €0,013

The shareholders' meeting then appointed the new Supervisory Board using the list voting mechanism, which will remain in office for three financial years.

A2A: incoming dividend of €0,013

Dividend arriving for those who have A2A securities in their portfolio. The shareholders' meeting of the Lombard utility today established the payment of 0,013 euros for each ordinary share. The coupon detachment will take place on 18 June, while payments will begin three days later. 

The shareholders' meeting then appointed the new Supervisory Board using the list voting mechanism, which will remain in office for three financial years.

The list of members includes 15 names: Pippo Ranci Ortigosa (president), Fausto Di Mezza (vice president), Marco Miccinesi, Andrea Mina, Marina Brogi, Enrico Giorgio Mattinzoli, Michaela Castelli, Alessandro Berdini, Stefano Pareglio, Angelo Teodoro Zanotti, Marco Manzoli, Norberto Rosini, Mario Cocchi, Massimo Perona and Marco Baga. Each director will earn 55 euros a year, with a 25% cut compared to the past, as requested by the municipalities of Milan and Brescia.  
