
A2a: agreement with Tim and Open Fiber for optical fiber in Milan

The CEO of the Lombard multiutility Luca Valerio Camerano announces the agreement: "The agreement refers to the laying of optical fiber in Milan"

A2a: agreement with Tim and Open Fiber for optical fiber in Milan

A2A has entered into an agreement with Telecom Italia and with Open Fiber, controlled by Enel and Cdp, for the laying of the optical fiber.

The agreement was announced by the managing director of the Lombard multiutility Luca Valerio Camerano, during the conference call convened for the purpose of illustrating the results for the first half of the current year.

“We have an agreement with Tim and with Open Fiber and it refers to the optical fiber laying activities in Milan. There is this agreement and the activities are in progress”, explained the CEO of the Lombard utility.

Then he added: "At the same time we discussed with Open Fiber possible areas of collaboration in the Lombardy region where we could support the growth and installation of the fiber".
