
At school of energy: Alessandria leaves

The third edition of “Energia in Energia – the science competition” is underway, an interdisciplinary model to bring young people closer to the big issues of the environment. A cultural challenge to defend against fake news and falsehoods.

At school of energy: Alessandria leaves

Italians need to study energy. The ability of young people to learn the mechanisms that determine the development of a country - especially in terms of fake news and falsehoods - becomes a cultural value. In schools in the Chinese provinces, the study of energy systems and sources is a consolidated practice. Regardless of the orientation of the single school, the factors that pollute the atmosphere and cause damage to the environment are studied. Many European countries are following the Chinese path by adopting interdisciplinary models. Italy moves slowly, but with some successful initiatives. 

The 3rd edition of the project "Energy in Energy - the science competition" in Alessandria is one of these. The project aims at disseminating the correct and rational use of energy and resources, as well as making people understand energy saving and the requalification of natural and artificial ecosystems. A virtuosic little contest between students on the issues that Greta Thumberg has brought to worldwide attention. The project has been going on since 2017, from an idea of ​​3i group and the Department of Science and Technological Innovation (DISIT) of the University of Eastern Piedmont.

Immediately the school office of Alessandria and Asti and the Municipality of Alessandria joined the promoters. Everything takes place for free through a "science competition", which allows experiments and educational-scientific laboratories to be reproduced in school buildings. More than 3200 students and dozens of comprehensive schools were involved. We have to consider the project not an isolated event but with purposes falling within the themes of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development of 2030, say the organizers. They have a sensitivity on their side that turns into an educational path. From research to the study of social models that use renewable energy.

In this local context with extraterritorial ambitions we mention among others the training offer for this school year of the "GSE meets the schools". The Electricity Manager is collaborating with the Ministry of Education to increase the training of young people on sustainability issues. A collaboration that does not only concern the aspect of education, but also that of the redevelopment of school buildings so that children study in healthy and environmentally friendly environments. A point, the latter however not at all satisfactory for the vast majority of Italian schools, which the government and local authorities must take charge of. A small big paradox, while we teach kids how to live in healthy environments.
