
To Domenico Siniscalco the Donato Menichella award 2015

Former Minister of the Treasury and current vice president and country manager for Italy of Morgan Stanley, Domenico Siniscalco, won the 2015 "Donato Menichella" award promoted by the Fondazione Nuove Proposte Culturali to honor the figure of the great Governor of Bank of Italy - Siniscalco will hold Lectio magistralis and Gianni Letta laudatio on March 13 in Rome

To Domenico Siniscalco the Donato Menichella award 2015

The former Minister of the Treasury and current vice president and country manager for Italy of Morgan Stanley, Domenico Siniscalco, won the fourteenth edition of the 2015 "Donato Menichella" award, promoted by the Fondazione Nuove Proposte Culturali to honor the figure and memory of the great Governor of the Bank of Italy, rewarding "today's scholars and financial institutions who are committed to proposing and implementing projects for the growth of our country".

On the occasion of the award ceremony, which will take place in Rome on 13 March in the Scuderie di Palazzo Altieri (Via Santo Stefano del Cacco, 1, 17 pm), Siniscalco will give the Lectio magistralis on the theme "Economics lessons from the financial crisis".

The laudatio of the award winner was entrusted to the former undersecretary of the Prime Minister, Gianni Letta
