
In Brescia there is Dante in… subway: the Divine Comedy told in the carriages or at the stops

Sunday 11 October the MetroDante event in the Lombard city: the Divine Comedy told in the carriages and at the stops.

In Brescia there is Dante in… subway: the Divine Comedy told in the carriages or at the stops

On the occasion of the 750th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's birth, Sunday 11 October 2015 in the seventeen stations of the Brescia underground, a jewel of technology, the anniversary will be celebrated with the MetroDante project. Metro Brescia, a company of the Brescia Mobilità group and the Cieli Vibranti association are proposing a Dantesque marathon with the complete reading of the Divine Comedy in the space of a single day.

Everyone will be involved in the great poet's sublime word with different and captivating formulas: alongside the more traditional reading, there will be flash-mobs, relay readings, performances that will combine the word with music and movement.

Alongside professional actors and musicians, students, personalities from institutions and culture and all the enthusiasts who decide to participate will participate. The performances will take place not only in the spaces of the underground stations, but surprisingly also on the trains: different languages ​​in continuous movement through circles, bolge, beaches, mountains, frames and celestial spheres of Dante's universe.

Verses and rails, triplets and electronic panels, chants and escalators: the encounter between literature and technology is a virtuous oxymoron which on the one hand enhances the eternal beauty of Dante's poetry and on the other reveals an unprecedented face of urban space, not more and not just a place of passage, but a meeting point and cradle of the community.

Furthermore, a rarity not to be missed: the first printed edition with commentary of the Divine Comedy dating back to 1487 and adorned with 68 woodcuts, a masterpiece of Brescian typography, will be exhibited in the Salone della Biblioteca Queriniana.

For more information on the complete programme:
