The outgoing European ministers approve the law on nature restoration and Italy stands out with a vote against. The EU Council closes the game on Nature Restoration Law , a strategic measure of the transition, yet blocked for months. In the end the result has arrived and the new Commission currently being formed will hardly be able to sabotage it. Meloni & friends will only have to remember that in that Europe where in these hours we are trading positions of power, it will be necessary to restore 20% of ecosystems degraded terrestrial and marine. Environmental associations and less conservative agricultural organizations are obviously satisfied with the approval of the new rules. “The news represents a victory for the protection of biodiversity and for the European Green Deal, it leaves us with a bitter taste that Italy will vote against together with Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden” he said Stefano Ciafani, president of Legambiente. Eh, the bitter taste can only be corroborated by a change of government that could come from the countryside and the city, obviously not aboard flag-waving tractors.
The centre-right, which cares little or nothing about biodiversity, had to pay off the debt with the noisy farmers and perhaps something else. The Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida since the first time he set foot in Brussels he has judged the EU agricultural strategy to help German, French and Spanish farmers. The comic was that foreigners were then also the protagonists of long protests. The smoke in your eyes must have been really thick.
Will there be an Italian plan?
Il distinction government politician Giorgia Meloni against the protection of land and water would have economic reasons in favor of agricultural companies. Go and find out, the law on biodiversity was born from objective factual data, from the use of large quantities of pesticides and fertilizers in the countryside, because the tomato made in China, garlic and rice noodles left direct farmers without work. Other than "port of delights". Marco Polo. Finding our way around politicians and agricultural exegetes becomes complicated when we hear from the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini say that "the future is marked by identity, distinctiveness and biodiversity". Damn, he wants her, he's at odds with the parliamentarians, but this time he will have done the math. The approved regulations set objectives to restore at least 30% of the compromised areas by 2030, 60% by 2040, 90% by 2050. In short, little ideology and... give it time.
The denial on the right of a virtuous process of protecting the environment and the relationship between man and nature is proof of a right-thinking and firm conception. The government doesn't imagine a future other than that of positional income, of remaining still. The Deputy Minister for the Environment Vannia Gava he said that an "ideological legislature" had ended. He said this with respect to biodiversity, which - sorry Gava - is perhaps the least ideological provision of the entire Green Deal. In order not to stand still, everything has moved forward with the States having to present national ecosystem restoration plans to the Commission. It will be tough, despite the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) being worth 387 million euros in Italy, seen without fuss by Minister Lollobrigida.