Even businessmen end up in the crosshairs of Erdogan, or rather of the Istanbul prosecutor's office, which has issued an arrest warrant and ordered the seizure of assets for 187 personalities from the financial world, wanted on suspicion of having links with the former imam Fethullah Gülen, considered by the Turkish president to be the deus ex machina of the failed coup d'état of last July 15th.
Immediately after the judiciary's decision, the financial police have already arranged for the arrest of 60 suspected managers, some of whom are managers of important companies in the country. The news is reported by the local media: among the names that have emerged so far there would be the president of the Turkish Confindustria Tüskon and the son-in-law of Kadir Topbas, mayor of Istanbul and an important exponent of Erdogan's party. Those arrested are accused of having financed the "terrorist organization" headed by Gulen, who is currently exiled in the US.
The number of people involved in Erdogan's reaction to repress and punish the attempted coup thus rises to 40.029 people questioned, 20.355 people ended up in prison and 79.900 public employees purged (including in particular magistrates, teachers, policemen). In addition, 4.262 companies or institutions have been closed, always with the accusation of being in some way linked to Gulen.