Ryanair is appealing against the Italian Antitrust tariff decision

Ryanair has mandated its lawyers to appeal against the decision of the Italian Antitrust which decreed that Ryanair will have to include optional administrative costs in the advertised fares. This decision lacks common sense since all Ryanair passengers have the possibility to avoid these administrative costs by paying with the prepaid MasterCard card recommended by the same airline, which is widely used and used daily by many Italian passengers. to book Ryanair's advertised lowest fares.

This decision, if confirmed, will force Ryanair to advertise false and misleading fares including discretionary charges that many passengers can and will avoid.

Ryanair's communications director, Stephen McNamara, said: "Ryanair will now appeal this incorrect, illogical and misleading decision which, unless reversed, will result in Ryanair advertising false and inaccurate prices in its advertisements in Italy."

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