Referendum: appeal to the Tar. Il Colle: "The Cassation has already responded"

The 5 Star Movement and the Italian Left presented appeal to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court against the question of the constitutional referendum, which in their opinion would be a commercial for the Yes. But dal Colle replied that it was the judges of the Cassation who admitted the formulation.

"The question thus formulated ends up being translated into a sort of 'commercial' - write the appellants -, as suggestive as it is incomplete and misleading, in favor of the Government which has taken the initiative of the revision and which is now improperly asking for confirmation from the citizens, who do not deserve to be deceived in such a blatant way".

In detail, the appeal to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court is against the decree of the President of the Republic with which, calling the referendum for next December 4th, "among other things, the question that should appear on the ballot paper was established".

In response to these statements, the Quirinale specified that the question was assessed and admitted with its own provision by the Court of Cassation, based on the provisions of article 12 of law 352 of 1970, and reproduces the title of the law as approved by Parliament.

"This question is what the law provides for the constitutional reform," commented the Premier Matteo Renzi. “I have no doubts: No will win,” he replied Beppe Grillo.

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