
Rai, the Democratic Party threatens the Aventine on Tg1: an own goal like this has never been seen

The Democratic Party is threatening to no longer appear on Tg1 as a sign of protest against too many reports on the scandals in Bari and Turin. What an incredible gift to the right

Rai, the Democratic Party threatens the Aventine on Tg1: an own goal like this has never been seen

The center and left oppositions have a thousand reasons to protest against the new rules level playing field on TV during the electoral campaign for the renewal of the European Parliament. It's a level playing field that is very little par but very unbalanced and very pro Melons, so much so that even Forza Italy he had to object. Of a completely different sign, however, is theAventine threatened by Pd al Tg1 in protest against the too many reports of the first Italian news program on the scandals of Bari and Turin. No more declarations and no more presence of the Democratic Party on Tg1 is the threat that comes from the secretariat Schlein. A threat which, if actually implemented, would be the biggest own goal of the first party of the left to the benefit of the right who would be happy to occupy the electoral spaces left free by the Democratic Party. But - Il Foglio asked incredulously this morning - how could Schlein have ever come up with such a bizarre idea? And who knows. Maybe Elly doesn't even know.
