
Appointments: Rai, Ferrovie dello Stato and Cdp postponed until after the European elections. Meloni keeps his hands free

Rai, Fs and Cdp: everything postponed until after the elections. Appointments will only be made in mid-June. This is what the prime minister wants in order to be able to decide on the choice of leaders alone

Appointments: Rai, Ferrovie dello Stato and Cdp postponed until after the European elections. Meloni keeps his hands free

The three main ones public appointments on the agenda for the top management Rai, Fs and Deposit fund and loans are not for today. The prime minister Giorgia Meloni has decided to postpone them until after the European elections in June. The reason is clear: the prime minister hopes to achieve a strong success in the electoral consultation and thus have more power for the decisive choices of the company heads, leaving the allies to Alloy e Forza Italy only the possibility of indicating the presidents of the companies where the top management needs to be renewed. The dossier primarily concerns Rai, where the organizational chart initially agreed between Meloni and Lega is salty and the only fixed point is the appointment of Giampaolo Rossi, very loyal to the prime minister, as the new CEO of state TV.

The appointments at the top of the FS and CDP are also on standby. Given the significant results achieved, logic would want continuity to prevail and Luigi Ferraris to be confirmed at the helm of the Railways and Dario Scannapieco at the helm of the CDP but politics has its own way of reasoning and the games remain open. We will talk about it after the elections.
