Sustainability, fight against Covid, more effective ways to reconcile business strategies of companies with environmental protection and the needs of territories and communities. These are the central themes of the fourth edition of the Poste Italiane Multistakeholder Forum 2021, a day of discussion and opportunity to share the strategy of Matteo Del Fante's Group.
On this occasion, Matteo Del Fante, CEO of Poste Italiane, underlined the centrality of innovation in the Company's strategy, with significant investment in technology which, in addition to improving the quality of the products and services offered, have made it possible to quickly adopt effective measures to protect the health of employees and customers.
These also include the IT platform to support the anti Covid-19 vaccination campaign, which allows you to follow the path of the vaccines from the landing of the flights to their distribution in the ASLs and to book the vaccination online, through the call center or directly through the Postamat ATMs and the PDAs supplied to the postmen.
"The commitment that Poste Italiane has made to sustainability and innovation - said theCEO Matteo Del Fante – is an important support for achieving the country's and Europe's objectives for a sustainable economic recovery, in line with what is programmed in the Recovery Plan. Poste Italiane is a development engine for the country: today we are able to make an important contribution to the vaccination campaign".
“Counting on the full development of the broadband connection – concluded Del Fante – we want to contribute to the strategic objective of bringing services with high added value to the area to simplify the life of citizens and companies”.
il Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco instead, he illustrated the salient features of Poste Italiane's ESG strategic plan, the importance of the ongoing relationship with stakeholders, the corporate welfare initiatives promoted by the Company as well as its role as an active partner in the vaccination campaign. Furthermore, he focused on the logistical and organizational effort put in place by Poste Italiane for the communities and the territory in the current pandemic phase.
The Deputy Director also announced the signing of the agreement with the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation which provides, among other things, for the preparation and execution of an anti-Covid-19 company plan throughout the country, for Company personnel.