
Poste Italiane: Poste Energia reaches 250.000 electricity and gas contracts

Poste Energia can be subscribed to in the 12.800 Italian post offices, on the Postepay and BancoPosta website and apps. The energy supplied comes 100% from Italian renewable sources

Poste Italiane: Poste Energia reaches 250.000 electricity and gas contracts

Post Energy, the electricity and gas offer of Poste Italiane for the free market, ha reached up quickly the goal of 250.000 contracts. Poste entered the energy sector in February and according to the latest data communicated by TgPoste, its offer is getting a great appreciation from customers thanks to its transparency and simplicity.

How the Poste Energia offer works

The key element of Poste Energia's offer is the price lock of the raw material, electricity and gas, for 24 months. Customers can choose between two payment options: traditional with a variable amount based on monthly consumption or a Fixed rate calculated on the basis of consumption of the previous year. This solution allows the customer to pay the same monthly amount for 12 months, therefore not having surprises in the bill, deriving from sudden adjustments. At the end of the year, the installment is recalculated for the following year, increasing or decreasing, on the basis of the actual consumption recorded and it is possible to decide, in the event of lower consumption than expected, whether to reduce the installment for 12 months following or whether to receive the amount directly on a Postepay card or on a BancoPosta account. Furthermore, in the bill and in the app, families can monitor the trend of their consumption.

How to activate the Poste Energia offer

You can subscribe to the offer Poste Energy on all channels of the Group (Post offices, web, Postepay APP and Bancoposta APP). In fact, it is possible to start a quote on digital channels and finish it at the Post Office and vice versa. To calculate an estimate, you can upload a recent bill (both on digital channels and in the post office), and thus get a preview of your installment. All the information needed to calculate the installment is taken automatically from the bill, with minimal control interventions by the user.

THEenergy supplied comes to 100% from Italian renewable sources and is fully part of the sustainability commitments that Poste Italiane has undertaken with the new "2024 Sustain & Innovate Plus" business plan, which aims to achieve 30% less CO2 emissions by 2025 and climate neutrality by 2030 , i.e. well in advance of the 2050 deadline set by the EU.
