Pesaro most sustainable city in Italy: the ranking of the Network of Municipalities and the reasons for a success

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The quality of life of Italians and sustainability in urban environments are growing but not as we would all like. There Network of sustainable municipalities Italians is certainly an effective invention for drawing up rankings and understanding which mayor is more concrete and who is less incisive. For the second consecutive year Pesaro and first in the Annual Report of the Network. For energy efficiency, increase in cycle paths, payment of suppliers in record time, zero soil consumption. Mayor Matteo ricci, a leading exponent of the Democratic Party – first Renziano and now a supporter of Elly Schlein – is the main protagonist of this recognition which strengthens the city's path towards the celebrations of Italian capital of culture 2024. The title chosen for next year's anniversary is “The nature of culture”: one slogan which has a lot to do with the environmental performance of 2022 and 2023. Ricci with his administrative team has increased the green values ​​of the city. Also from an economic point of view, the activities benefited from the way of administration. In March, the Municipality also received the Sustainable Flag 2023 and if there were doubts about how to do better, even a "Sustainable Lifestyles Symposium" was created. To be awarded, the judges of the Network sift through the data of the Municipalities, Istat and Ispra. They test efficiency based on 100 indicators "on matters of strict competence of the Municipalities". So that (for once) one cannot give the fault to the Government, to the Region, to Europe or to bad luck. A capable mayor wins, a less capable mayor stays behind.

Pesaro, a more sustainable city: the success of a constant dialogue

In the city of Joachim RossinWas there a miracle? No. From what we understand, only an effort of good administration with the care of certain parameters. After the electoral failure of the last administrative these results must be accounted for by a left that understands and responds to the predominant issues of people's lives. Pesaro won for exceeding 5 square meters on average per inhabitant for urban gardens; the increase of green areas to an average of 12,79 m89 per inhabitant; 25% of LED public lighting; the redevelopment of 73 municipal buildings; 100 km of cycle paths every 68,5 sq km; zero consumption of new land; XNUMX% of differentiated waste collection. Data to which are added a Plan to combat noise pollution, one of sustainable energy action, a project for the creation of a Renewable Energy Community.

On environmental issues, today's decisions are the basis for tomorrow and if any the ability to build then it is difficult to lose consensus. “To change things you need to measure them, also as an act of transparency towards citizens – explains Matteo Ricci -. This Report demonstrates whether the actions carried out can really improve the city or not, giving concreteness and a scientific aspect to the policies that are made. It is evident that if we continue to think of development models that are measured with the indicators of the twentieth century, it is difficult to create a new model”. With Ricci to manage the environmental trend is there Maria Rosa Conti, Councilor for sustainability who dedicates his everyday work to the growth of indicators. In short, the credit is well distributed within the municipal administration. “Pesaro – he adds Maurizio Gazzarri, responsible for monitoring the Network of Municipalities – arrives at its second Sustainability Report highlighting a situation of excellence, a sign of continuity of action on the contents and objectives of the 2030 Agenda″. Success comes from a concrete commitment without ideological contortions, from constant dialogue. For this reason, after the electoral blow a week ago, it is likely that the "Pesaro case" will be studied by the leaders of the left to take a path that encourages them not to disappoint those who trust them.

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