
Migrants: approval from the CDM for new repatriation centers, possibility of detention for up to 18 months

The Council of Ministers has approved some measures on the management of immigration flows, a new meeting on unaccompanied minors next week - Meloni attacks Borrell: "Political forces are working against it"

Migrants: approval from the CDM for new repatriation centers, possibility of detention for up to 18 months

The Council of Ministers has given the green light to the first package of measures for management of immigration flows. Among the rules, the one according to which those who enter Italy illegally may be detained in reception centers stands out in particular up to 18 months before repatriation: it will start with 6 months, extendable for a further 12. The detention limit for asylum seekers instead "it will not be modified" and remains for 12 months, underlines Palazzo Chigi.

“The detention limit for asylum seekers is already 12 months today and will not be changed, but will become effective thanks to the creation of the necessary detention centers for anyone who lands illegally in Italy, including asylum seekers,” said the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni .

New repatriation centers

Expected the creation of new repatriation centers which will be entrusted to the Ministry of Defence. They will be located in “locality with very low population density and easily perimetered and surveilled" and, the Government says, "further discomfort and insecurity will not be created in the cities". 

The measures on migrants launched by the Council of Ministers today, i.e the extension to 18 months of the maximum detention time for repatriation and the provision of new CPRs, will enter into the legislative decree for the South already approved on 7 September, the one which among other things established the single SEZ for the South and allocated funds for Lampedusa. According to what was reported by Ansa, in the Council of Ministers there was a new resolution on that provision.

Furthermore, based on the announcements, the Council of Ministers scheduled for next week will instead address the issue of unaccompanied minors: “Our objective is to protect real minors to avoid, as happens now, that with a simple self-certification anyone can be included in circuits aimed at minors”, underlined Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Meloni attacks Borrell

The measures approved today confirm that "on these issues, as on many others, the entire centre-right has the same vision and that everyone is working in the same direction, despite what we read and try to say in recent days": "I wish express great satisfaction – he added – for the unity and great teamwork of the entire Government”.

The Prime Minister anticipated that at the next European Council, "Italy will ask the other member states to take the necessary and consequent decisions, especially regarding blocking illegal departures from North Africa".

Then the attack on the Act represented for EU foreign policy Borrell: "It is sad to note that part of the Italian and European political forces, for ideological reasons or, worse, for political calculation, I row against and do everything to dismantle the work that is being carried out. I am referring to the letter fromHigh Representative for European Foreign Policy Borrell, to the appeals of European socialists and to the positions taken by various exponents of the left but not only. All actions that go in the same direction of trying to argue that none of the North African countries are safe states with which it is possible to agree to stop departures or repatriate illegal immigrants. In essence, the will of the European left is to make mass illegal immigration unavoidable."
