Nice: 31 Italians are missing

He still licks his wounds Nice after the terrible attack on Thursday evening, costing the lives of at least 84 people, including 10 children, and with over 200 wounded still hospitalized, many of whom are in critical condition. Among these, according to what is learned from sources in the Farnesina, there are three compatriots, two of whom are seriously ill.

However, the checks by the Crisis Unit and the Nice consulate continue: there are still 31 Italians of which there is no news yet. He was found by family members, admitted to the Pasteur hospital in Nice in very serious conditions, Andrea Avagnina, 53 years old, municipal councilor of S. Michele di Mondovì (Cuneo). But his partner, Marinella Ravotti, is missing. “I am in contact with the prefecture but there are still no lists of wounded and victims – explains the Italian consul in Nice, Serena Lippi – We still cannot trace many Italians, who are therefore currently missing. But you must not lose your temper. In the throng of Thursday evening on the Promenade des Anglais – she adds – many have lost their mobile phones and there are those who have not been able to return home and have spent the night out. We work closely with the Farnesina and the Italian ambassador is arriving from Paris”.

Meanwhile, the invitation to compatriots present in Nice is to avoid travel and follow the instructions of the local authorities. The notice is published on the Viaggiare Sicuri website, which specifies that for emergencies you can contact the Consulate General of Italy in Nice at no. 0033 (0) 768054804. The French authorities have activated the following telephone number where it is also possible to request information: +33 (0) 1 43175646.

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