There are general appreciations and expressions of sincere condolences for the passing of the President Emeritus of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. The President expressed the clearest words Sergio Mattarella defining Napolitano as the "faithful interpreter of the Constitution and the guarantor of our community, with heartfelt attention to the requests for renewal present in society". Also Pope Francesco he recalled Napolitano's "humanity and foresight". The condolences expressed by the President were laconic and a little cold Giorgia Meloni. On the other hand, the appreciation of the former prime ministers is warm Mario Draghi e Mario Monti. And it is precisely on this - on the designation of Mario Monti as Prime Minister desired by Napolitano - that the criticisms of the former secretary of the Democratic Party are focused", Achille Occhetto in an interview with "la Repubblica" which says it all in the title "Divided over Berlinguer but loyal comrades". Mount your mistake."
Napolitano was thinking about saving Italy, Occhetto was thinking about electoral interests
Occhetto recognizes that Napolitano was “a first-rate politician of the First and Second Republic” but reproaches him for the choice of the technical government of Mario Monti, “from which the crisis of the left was born. If he had voted immediately after the resignation of Berlusconi, there would have been a success for the left." This is precisely the point: but how could one ever think of going to early elections in the midst of a financial crisis that risked leading Italy to bankruptcy? The choice of Napolitano with the Monti Government was precisely the proof that the compass of the then Head of State was the national interest and the good of the country and not party interests. Saving Italy was the only thing that mattered in Napolitano's thoughts and, despite the short-sighted misunderstandings of Occhetto and many like him, even today Italy must say thanks to Napolitano also for what he courageously did in the summer of 2011 .