
Napolitano defends the stability law: "You need courage, not recklessness"

According to the Head of State, “the question is not so much how much has been allocated or whether more should be allocated to reduce the tax levy on businesses or on labour. The problem is to see on the whole what resources we can seriously count on without inventing bogus coverage of state spending”.

Napolitano defends the stability law: "You need courage, not recklessness"

“You have to be careful of to avoid that courage that is too easy does not mean courage that is not very responsible”. This is the warning launched by President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, in a video interview broadcast during the Confindustria youth meeting. The reference is to the controversy over the alleged lack of incisiveness of the stability Law recently launched by the government.

“The question is not so much how much has been allocated or whether more should be allocated to reduce the tax levy on businesses or on labour – added the Head of State -. The problem is to see on the whole what resources we can seriously count on without inventing bogus coverage of state spending and how our institutions respond”. 

On the other hand, Napolitano agrees on the need to "shift the emphasis from the policies of recent years, in Italy and in Europe, much more towards growth", but it is a goal to be pursued without thinking that "there no longer exists problem of the consolidation of public finances”.

As for the difficult situation in the South, photographed yesterday by a worrying Svimez report, The President underlines that we must not disperse the resources that come to us from the European Union “in a thousand streams. We have a far from flattering past, we know how much European resources have been wasted, wasted by not using them or by using them badly. Today we are faced with proposals that I consider very serious and not just proposals, concrete steps, I am talking about the work that was carried out in the previous government by Minister Barca and the work that Minister Trigilia has now started".
