Napolitano's farewell to the Italians: forward with confidence

This time his main interlocutors are not the institutional ones, but all Italians, who will have to "go all out” to get Italy out of the great difficulties that are far from overcome. Giorgio Napolitano, in his last New Year's message, relies on a collective "recovery of reasoned self-confidence" to complete that indispensable path of change, finally started through "institutional and socio-economic" reforms.

It's this one "reasoned trust” finds its foundation in the history of Italy and the Republic, in the rediscovery “of the sources of cohesion, strength and collective will that have allowed us to overcome the toughest trials in view of the formation of the unitary state and then of overcoming the its dramatic crises. And so the head of state then kept summarizing the leitmotif of his mandate above all "in the effort to represent national unity to heal the wounds it had suffered and to give it back the evidence it had lost".

At the same time, however, Napolitano indicates the great difficulties that impend still on Italy: “Retraction of productive activity; decline in national and household income; environmental degradation; rampant youth unemployment and job losses”. To deal effectively with these problems, he explains, "nothing would be more unrealistic and dangerous than certain calls for a return to the national currency, through the disintegration of the Euro and any common anti-crisis policy".

THEanchorage in Europe in short, it remains a fixed point for an effective effort to get out of the crisis and relaunch the country. But Napolitano underlines another essential point for the change initiated by our country to be successful: to revive politics “in its highest sense. And here we have to deal with the degradation highlighted by judicial inquiries such as the one on the capital Mafia. “Reclaim the rotten and corrosive subsoil of our society” asks the President of the Republic “because only by regaining intangible moral values ​​can politics regain and see its decisive function recognized”.

Napolitano adds that precisely in order to marginalize "the unworthy Italians", it is appropriate to refer to "the exemplary Italians. Quote Fabiola Giannetti director general of the European Center for Nuclear Research, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, Fabrizio, the Emergency doctor who contracted Ebola for his commitment to saving lives in Sierra Leone and finally Serena Petriccioli, the Navy doctor who helps a Nigerian refugee in childbirth on the ship Etna.

It is an opportunity for the president of the republic to underline another issue: that of valorisation of our research institutes because it is in those places of excellence that "exemplary Italians" were trained. The sense of Napolitano's speech, at the moment of confirmation of his now imminent resignation ("age brings increasing limitations in carrying out institutional tasks") is therefore this: the change through reforms has begun, it must be completed and for this we must all give it our all with the strength of the national cohesion that comes from our history. Optimism, pessimism? You don't have to abandon yourself to one another. A reasoned trust that starts from the rediscovery of politics in its highest sense is enough, which will be possible if we manage to "reclaim the rotten and corrosive subsoil of our society". In a few weeks the first big test: the election of Napolitano's successor. But that's another story.

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