
Morandi Bridge, the Senate discusses benefits for the "victims of neglect"

The Senate is discussing recognizing a specific legal status for victims of harmful events caused by negligence in infrastructure management. Various benefits have been proposed for relatives, including compensation ranging from 100.000 to 200.000 euros in favor of the victims and the honor of "victim of neglect"

Morandi Bridge, the Senate discusses benefits for the "victims of neglect"

From 100 thousand up to 200 thousand euros in favor of victims of negligence in management of transport infrastructure and services. The reference from which the proposal arises is the collapse of the Morandi bridge, in Genoa, that tragic 14 August 2018. It is being discussed in the Senate, in the Constitutional Affairs Committee where two similar proposals are being examined, one brief - just 6 articles - the other more detailed. But the goal is the same. Starting precisely from the disaster of the summer of 6 years ago (but without forgetting other events such as the railway tragedy in Viareggio, the bus accident in Avellino which call the State into question in the management of its infrastructures towards the community) it is proposed to recognize thereafter one specific legal status to the victims of harmful events resulting from negligence in the management of infrastructures or buildings instrumental to the provision of public services, in the same way as what is already recognized today for the victims of terrorism, organized crime and duty.

Rights for those who are victims of negligence in the management of infrastructure

It is established that are entitled to benefits: 1) the spouse, parents, children, as well as brothers and sisters of the person who lost their life as a result of the harmful events, as well as the other party to the civil union or the permanently cohabiting person linked by an emotional relationship; 2) subjects, even if they are not relatives, nor related, nor linked by marriage, civil union or emotional relationship, who are dependent on the deceased person in the three years preceding the event; 3) anyone who suffers permanent disability as a result of injuries sustained as a result of such events.

In addition, it is hypothesized that support from a tutor for the families of each victim, the right for the offended persons to access legal aid at the expense of the State in the trial for responsibility for the harmful event, scholarships for orphans of the victims of neglect and also the concession by the President of the Republic ofhonor of "victim of neglect" to the deceased person's close family members (spouse/cohabitant, children, parents and, failing that, brothers/sisters).
