The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office has opened a model 45 investigation file, i.e. without the hypothesis of a crime or suspects, on the operations with which in the last three months Leonardo Del Vecchio has brought himself to just under 10% of Mediobanca, awaiting the judgment of the ECB which will have to establish whether it can continue to rise up to 20%. He reports it Reuters which cites two sources close to the dossier.
According to the news agency, the Milanese judges are allegedly acting on the basis of the inspections launched by Consob in the last weeks.
"It was not possible to get an immediate comment from Delfin, the holding through which Del Vecchio holds his stake in Mediobanca", he writes again Reuters, which explains how ten days ago, the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange sent its inspectors, together with the men of the special currency unit of the Guardia di Finanza to the Milan office of Luxottica, to ask questions and acquire documents on the operation which led Del Vecchio to become the first shareholder of the Piazzetta Cuccia group, ahead of Bolloré, Blackrock and Mediolanum.
The Authority wants to verify whether Delfin's entry and rise in the Mediobanca shareholding took place in compliance with the provisions of the TUF.
The sources specify that the investigation, coordinated by the assistant prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli and entrusted to the prosecutor Stefano Civardi, is in the initial stages awaiting the report that Consob will send to the magistrates at the end of its investigations.