
Massimo Bray, new minister for cultural heritage

Massimo Bray is the new minister appointed by Enrico Letta - The premier wanted to merge the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities with that of Tourism: a truly important, innovative, strategic choice, which wants to emphasize the importance of the combination "Culture and Tourism" as a driving force for growth for our country.

Massimo Bray, new minister for cultural heritage

Massimo Bray, Apulian and exactly born in Lecce. Graduated in Literature and Philosophy in 1984 in Florence, he then followed a period as a scholarship holder in Naples, Venice, Paris, Simancas. And this is how in 1991 he entered all'Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia founded by Giovanni Treccani, as editor in charge of the Modern History section of the Encyclopaedia Little Treccani and in 1994 he became the editorial director. He lives in Rome.

His commitment has always been characterized by an intellectual and cultural rigor, but also by a great openness towards innovation, and this is how he starts the project website of the Encyclopaedia of Italians, so that it can continue to live in the XNUMXst century and enjoyed by an increasing number of users, combining the strength of the contents with technological innovations.

Massimo Bray he is also editor-in-chief of the magazine published by the Foundation of political culture Italian Europeans, he is also the author of a blog on the Italian edition of Huffington Post dedicated to culture and great attention to traditional and digital publishing.

He chairs the Board of Directors of the Foundation The Night of the Taranta, which organizes the largest European festival of popular music, dedicated to the recovery of Salento pizzica and its fusion with other musical languages, from world music to rock, from jazz to symphony. Today the festival has taken on a recognized cultural model which, from edition to edition, always creating new forms of artistic elaboration, has begun to produce interesting economies for the territory.

We report what is written in:

Good politics believes in culture – In Italy, Culture has the possibility of regaining possession of the past role and consideration, regaining the ability to influence political, social and economic choices. Culture is a constitutive element of the citizen's personality, of his ability to judge, a central element to make freer, more independent individual. Culture must therefore be at the center of the attention of those with institutional responsibilities, a stimulus and catalyst for attention, debates, projects, providing the guiding elements for citizens to develop the ability to make choices and proposals. Culture and cultural heritage cannot be treated as a normal asset, as a commodity that can be bought and sold according to the usefulness of the moment. Bringing them back to a public sphere should not mean entrusting them to the political sphere, but to the care and control of the community. Culture interpreted in this way becomes a founding element of the need to rebuild our country; we can and must therefore speak of:

Rights culture, whereby the right of every woman and man living in Italy, is to see the "law of rights" fully applied, i.e. the Republican Constitution, the only way to live not with rights adapted to the needs of individuals or particular communities and corporations but with equal rights for all.

Culture of integration and solidarity, so that we don't delude ourselves that it is enough to raise walls and dig ditches to defend real or, as it happens, imaginary identities. Italy must participate responsibly and in solidarity, with the best of its political energies, in the vigorous process of transformation of today's world.

Education culture, where education is considered an extraordinary tool for social mobility, a cornerstone for building the future of young people, and for Italian leadership.

Work culture, for which the right to work is the main element for the citizen, without forgetting the attention to the quality of the same, and the same right to change jobs, as a generator of value.

Culture of Economic Policy: valorisation of past efforts of European integration, and openness to critical and constructive confrontation with the various economic realities to introduce innovation and generate value to reduce inequality.

Culture of the past: attention to the protection and enhancement of the past to generate value for the future; understanding the value of our cultural, environmental and landscape heritage as a guide in generating the will to respectful Culture of the future.

Digital culture: the consideration of the centrality of the digital for the citizen, engine of democratic development, and medium of export of culture to the world not only virtual".

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