The Minister of Civil Protection in Musumeci he said he wanted to bring to the government's examination a consolidated text on the hydrogeological instability of the country. He will do it, he said, within the year. The commitment was made in view of the dramatic data contained in the policy brief on environmental disaster elaborated byAsvis. Is it possible that the Minister does not know the fearful state in which more than 90% of Italians live? Who doesn't remember the hundred declarations made by representatives of institutions in the face of mourning in every part of Italy?
The Minister wants to keep his commitment and there is no doubt about his integrity. But just remember that the prime minister Giorgia Meloni last summer, after declaring a state of emergency in four Regions due to natural disasters, it committed to approving a similar consolidated text on disasters by 2023 itself. And the Minister Raffaele Fitto he did not have cut PNRR funds? So?
Money and delays
To secure the Italian territory they would be needed 26 billion, but in the last seven years 20 have been spent on emergencies alone. A defeat. The fact that not even Musumeci can deny is that the territory, as it was described (very last) in the Asvis brief, needs to be mapped again and protect in the mountains, along the coasts, in the countryside, along the rivers.
The population should not be neglected, on the contrary, "it is necessary to explain the message well to people to avoid triggering a reaction of protection" of the inhabitants for the places where they live, explained the director of Asvis Enrico Giovannini. We are faced with a prolonged underestimation of the main risk that Italians run and every time we talk about it there are promises that are not respected.
The weak point of such negligence is also in the particularity that to prepare a serious and credible text of law it is necessary to overcome the division between seven ministries and all the subjects responsible for securing the country. Given Musumeci's commitment we must deduce that we are at zero.
“The medium-term objective that the government sets itself is to overcome the logic of fragmented interventions by launching a large hydrogeological prevention plan”: Giorgia Meloni, 27 July 2023. For Palazzo Chigi, medium term is an undemanding expression.