
Italy 2030: Climate and Energy Goals at Risk, Pniec Downsized. Emissions and Efficiency Slow Down the Race

During the event “Pniec Objectives for 2030” in Rome, organized by the Agici Pniec Monitor group, it emerged that Italy is struggling to reach its 2030 climate and energy objectives, with targets revised downwards. Agici proposes a new monitoring system for the Pniec

Italy 2030: Climate and Energy Goals at Risk, Pniec Downsized. Emissions and Efficiency Slow Down the Race

The Achievement of the Ambitious climate and energy objectives fixed for 2030 It is far from a simple challenge for theItaly. In light of goals such as the reduction of emissions and the improvement of theefficiency energy, our country is having to face several difficulties, which were highlighted during the event “Pniec Objectives for 2030: a challenge for all for the good of the country”, organized in Rome by the working group Agici Pniec Monitor. Although Italy has made progress, recent updates to its targets indicate that there are still many challenges to overcome to keep pace with European ambitions.

During the meeting, the analysis conducted by the Pniec Monitor on the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec), recently updated. The update, the result of a long process of review and consultation, has led to a reformulation of the initial objectives. As Agici's Pniec Monitor points out, the latest revision of the document, which indicates the strategy for national energy and climate policy for 2030, has seen a downward revision of the ambitions in some strategic sectors, such as energy renewable,energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewables, emissions and efficiency: Italy's new challenges for 2030

In detail, i target of penetration of the renewable energy sources (Renewable Energy) in gross final energy consumption has been reduced for the electricity (from 65% to 63%) and thermal (from 36,7% to 36%) sectors, while an increase in the share of renewables in the transport sector is expected (from 30,7% to 34%) and in the share of green hydrogen in industrial consumption (from 42% to 54%). Overall, the revision of the sector targets entails a reduction in the share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption in 2030, which goes from 40,5% to 39,4%, although it remains above the European Union target, set at 38,7%.

On the other hand, projections on theenergy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions (Ghg) indicate a gap compared to European objectives. Energy efficiency, in particular, is one of the areas in which Italy seems unable to meet European targets, with both primary and final energy consumption expected to be higher than the values ​​set for 2030. As for emissions, Italy does not seem to be able to meet the reduction targets for non-ETS sectors, set by the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR), nor to reach the targets on CO2 absorption linked to land use and forestry (LULUCF).

Europe at the energy crossroads: who will reach the 2030 goals?

The analysis is not limited to the Italian case alone: ​​at European level, several countries are facing the same difficulties. Energy efficiency is one of the most common critical issues. With the exception of French, the policies adopted by countries such as Germany, Spain, Netherlands e Italy do not seem sufficient to achieve their respective targets for reducing primary and final energy consumption by 2030. On the other hand, Italy and Spain are the only nations that confidently aim to achieve their targets for renewable sources, while for emissions from the ESR sectors, only France and Spain are on track to meet their respective targets.

Monitor Pniec: the new system to follow decarbonisation

Faced with these challenges, the Pniec Monitor has announced the introduction of a monitoring system innovative. Starting this year, the system, based on Smart indicators (Specific, Measurable, Available, Relevant and Timely), will allow you to continuously monitor the progress towards national and community objectives on energy and climate. This innovative and multidimensional tool will also have a territorial dimension, to allow for the timely identification of critical issues and possible policy corrections, in order to guarantee an effective and fair decarbonisation process for the Italian economy.


“The evidence illustrated today by the Pniec Monitor shows how the road to decarbonisation is long and tortuous, marked by numerous obstacles: from strong local opposition to renewables to the lack of clarity in the legislative framework and the inefficiency of authorisation processes”, commented Marco Carta, CEO of Agici. “For this reason, it is essential that, in the national strategy, the identification of targets is followed by a rigorous and effective process for achieving them. Through our monitoring system, we therefore want to make our contribution to formulate concrete proposals based on a constant evaluation of the progress of this fundamental path for the country”.
