The lockdown gives the coup de grace to Italo and competition in rail transport. The tightening decided in some regions by the Government to deal with the surge in infections from Covid, he cornered Italo, who decided to cut 93% of rides starting next Tuesday, November 10th.
The company announced yesterday that, following the new government measures, it will suspend "most of the daily services of the network, due to the reduction of demand, by more than 90% on long-standing competition transport" due to the restrictions on interregional travel which strongly affect the High Speed.
Consequently, Italo will keep only two services a day on the Rome-Venice line and six a day on the Naples-Milan-Turin line and will lay off a large part of the staff. All tickets already issued, if not reusable, will be refunded.
In turn, the State Railways have reduced connections from 218 to 190 long-distance services, but they plan to keep regional and Intercity services open as much as possible