
Poste Italiane, not only passports throughout Italy within the year but also the issuing of identity cards. Lasco's announcement

Not only passports but also identity cards to post offices within the year: this was announced by the General Director of the Group, Giuseppe Lasco, with the imaginable relief of citizens who in recent months have faced incredible vicissitudes to renew their personal documents

Poste Italiane, not only passports throughout Italy within the year but also the issuing of identity cards. Lasco's announcement

The effort he is making really deserves praise Poste Italiane to bypass inefficiencies from Public administration and meet the needs of citizens. The distribution of passports at post office counters is an example of this. Yesterday the general director of the company, Joseph Lasco, announced that the operation has started in Bologna, Verona and Cagliari and that from mid-September it will also start in Milan, Rome and Naples to gradually extend throughout Italy after a truly commendable staff retraining and training program. But the news which until some time ago was only a hope (see the Up & Down column on FIRSTonline from 19 May) is about to become reality. Within the year Lasco has assured that the post offices will make a further leap in quality and will also issue, to those who request it, the electronic identity card within 15 days. Anyone who has gone through hell to book in the municipal offices and renew their identity card after months can breathe a sigh of relief. Poste Italiane, which for years has become a private company under public control listed on the stock exchange, is no longer the money-eating bandwagon it once was but a company that has intelligently repositioned itself in the face of the decline in correspondence due to the Internet and has found in logistics, parcel shipping and new reasons for being in savings management. But the provision of new services, long awaited by citizens, is something more that humanises Poste Italiane and brings its management team to the podium.

1 thoughts on "Poste Italiane, not only passports throughout Italy within the year but also the issuing of identity cards. Lasco's announcement"

  1. Kudos to the post office for what they do for us who know how to make an appointment and manage our positions from the phone, kudos also to those who, allo.sporyrllo helps the elderly to do things that their children or grandchildren should help them do, without forcing them standing in useless queues at post offices.

