Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura: more health coverage and discount on motor liability insurance

Intesa Sanpaolo

Increase in allowances for medical expenses, extension of coverage for surgery and discounts on motor liability insurance. These are the three important innovations launched by Intesa Sanpaolo Insurance, the Intesa Sanpaolo insurance company, in line with the many initiatives already taken by the banking group to support customers and the healthcare system.

First of all, therefore, the policies for the reimbursement of "Proteggi Salute" medical expenses, signed from 23 May to 30 September 2020, in the event of hospitalization in a public facility for the first 30 days, will benefit from theincrease in the replacement allowance of the NHS, which - for the same amount of the premium paid and without additional costs - will go from 105 euros to 150 euros per day, should the policyholder contract the Coronavirus in the first year after the purchase. Alternatively, a fixed amount of 500 euros will still be recognized, in the event of home isolation.

Still on the front of the health emergency, Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura has established that the coverage for surgical interventions provided for by "XME Protezione", and subscribed by the policyholders in the same period (until September 2020), provide for an extension - for the same amount of the
paid premium and no additional costs – in case of admission to intensive care following a Coronavirus infection: even in the absence of surgery, an amount of 2.000 or 4.000 euros will therefore be recognized, depending on the package subscribed.

Finally, the company has also recognized a benefit to subscribers of third party liability policies: policyholders with "Auto ViaggiaConMe Classica" and "ViaggiaConMe Km Unlimited", if they renew in the period 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021 and in the absence of claims, will benefit from one 10% discount on the RC Auto premium. The customer, explains a note, still has the option of switching to the "ViaggiaConMe a Consumption" policy by paying a premium proportionate to the km travelled, which encourages conscious use of the vehicle and a reduction in case of less use. The initiatives relating to health policies also apply to customers who have purchased a policy since 10 March 2020.

“With these interventions – he comments Alessandro Scarfo, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura – we wanted to respond promptly to the new needs that in this particular moment have seen daily habits and the scale of priorities change, both on the health and mobility fronts. Going ever closer to our policyholders remains the goal of those who, like us, intend to protect the precious asset of health”.

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