
Isee 2025: mandatory renewal for new bonuses, exemption from government bonds and pre-filled DSU online. Here's what's new

New bonuses are coming with 2025, but to get them it is essential to have an updated Isee. This year, the Dsu Mini can be easily sent via the Inps app, while the exemption on Btp is awaiting the implementing decree. Here are the details

Isee 2025: mandatory renewal for new bonuses, exemption from government bonds and pre-filled DSU online. Here's what's new

With the beginning of the new year, they arrive new concessions e bonus, but to access some of them you need to have theISEE updated to 2025, or the certification that measures the economic situation of the family unit. In fact, theISEE 2024 expired on December 31st, making renewal necessary. An interesting novelty this year is that the Single Substitute Declaration (Dse) Mini can be submitted independently via the INPS App, with the possibility of using a pre-compiled template. However, some crucial details are still missing, starting with theexemption up to 50 thousand euros for the investments in BTPs and other public securities, which is not yet operational as the implementing decree is missing.

Isee: what it is and what it is for

THEIsee (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is a tool used to determine whether a family is entitled to certain economic benefits and concessions, based on the income and .. It is essential to access numerous bonus and subsidies, such as those for the payment of bills, public transport, theSingle universal check, psychologist bonus, baby bonus, discounts on school meals, university enrollment benefits and many other benefits.

From 1 January 2025, it will be necessary to have an updated ISEE, since the 2024 one has now expired. However, for some bonuses already confirmed, the'ISEE 2024 will remain valid for a few more months. For most benefits, it is still best to renew the ISEE as soon as possible to avoid hitches.

Who can do the ISEE and how to get it

Anyone can get certified citizens residing in Italy who wish to apply for social benefits, bonuses or concessions. To obtain the Isee, there are three options:

  • Contact a CAF (Tax Assistance Center).
  • Fill out the form directly on the INPS website, in the dedicated area.
  • Use the pre-filled ISEE made available by the Revenue Agency and INPS, adding any self-declared data.

To obtain the ISEE, it is mandatory to present the Single Substitute Declaration (Dsu), which contains information on the family unit, the personal data of each member, information on the house, income, movable and immovable assets, any allowances received and the ownership of vehicles.

Meanwhile, theINPS mobile app has introduced a new feature, “Acquire Declaration”, which allows you to submit the Pre-filled Mini Dsu, further simplifying the procedure. However, further clarifications on the updated calculation methods have not yet been provided.

Once the DSU has been sent to INPS, within approximately 10 days you will receive the updated ISEE, ready to be used to request all the benefits to which you are entitled.

Types of ISEE: to each his own

The family nucleus, for ISEE purposes, is the group of people who live under the same roof, linked by ties of marriage, kinship, affinity, adoption, guardianship or even affection. There are different types of ISEE, depending on the requested service. The main ones are:

  • Isee standard: valid for most social benefits.
  • Isee university: to request concessions relating to the right to university study.
  • Isee sociosanitary: to access social and health services, such as home care, residential care and similar.
  • Isee minors: for bonuses aimed at minors of unmarried and non-cohabiting parents.

The Government Bonds Knot

La Budget Law 2024 introduced a news relevant for the calculation of the ISEE: the investments in public and postal securities, such as Bot, Ctz, Btp, Cct, savings bonds and postal savings books, up to a maximum of 50 thousand euros, will no longer be considered in the movable assets. This exclusion could reduce the value of the ISEE, facilitating access to bonuses and benefits and allowing, consequently, to obtain higher amounts based on income.

La modification is contained in paragraph 183 of article 1 of law 213/2023, which updated the Isee regulation (Dpcm 159/2013). The aim of this measure is to favor those who have savings in government and postal bonds, considered safe investments guaranteed by the State. However, INPS will not be able to apply this new rule until the implementing decree is published, which will define the operational details. Although banks have already been tasked with transmitting the data relating to securities, INPS will have to wait for the official publication of the decree to be able to implement the changes.
