Inps, from labor reform savings of 172 million when fully operational

A saving of 185,2 million in 2014 and 172 when fully operational: this is the impact on the INPS of the labor reform. "In the face of an increase in the institute's tasks, the bill, together with the legislation already in force, will increase the expected savings on INPS operating costs by 185,2 million in 2014 and by 172 million when fully operational", says Antonio Mastrapasqua to the senators of the Labor commission which is examining the measure on the reform of the labor market.

A cut that will have beneficial effects on the load of the future super-INPS: just yesterday, in the Chamber, in the Labor commission, the director general of INPS, Mauro Nori, had outlined the figures of the future super social security institution, which would head towards a deficit of 400 million between total revenues (Inps+Inpdap+Enpals) of 365 billion and outflows of 6 billion, with an operating expense of 366 billion.

 Mastrapasqua takes the opportunity of the hearing in the Senate to propose the assignment to the INPS of the meeting between labor supply and demand. 'The extension to INPS of the possibility of exercising the activity of facilitating the meeting between job demand and supply is essential - he underlines - to make the activation of the beneficiaries of the social insurance for employment effective'. According to the INPS, it would therefore be useful for the Institute's role to be strengthened in the face of regulations which provide that the beneficiary of the unemployment benefit must accept the training and job offers that are offered to him. And as for Aspi, Mastrapasqua has no doubts: social insurance for employment will bring about "simplification in management" and "greater equity between workers". 

"Management complexities - adds Mastrapasqua however - will emerge in the transitional phase during which the INPS will find itself having to manage, in addition to the nascent Aspi, also the pre-existing protections, in particular the mobility allowance". Not only that: incentives for women unemployed women are at risk, as it may be difficult to identify affected areas. In the draft law for the reform of the labor market, the INPS recalls, the introduction of an incentive for hiring is envisaged, however the law "risks perpetuating, with reference to the identification of the territory on which the facilitation for women, the application difficulties already registered for work placement contracts".

On the other hand, a positive note comes from the "elimination when fully operational of the shock absorbers as an exception to current legislation, made possible by the strengthening of general protections", which - argues Mastrapasqua - "constitutes an element of clarity and eliminates redundant administrative procedures aimed at granting protections".

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