La deadline for the balance of second installment of IMU 2024 is approaching rapidly: the payment must be done by 16 December. In addition to the impending deadline, attention is once again focused on the tax following the recent press release from the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance: Municipalities will have to approve the IMU rates for 2025 using a new ministerial model. In addition, there are also news su exemptions, discounts e fines: in particular, who pays late will be eligible for a penalty reduction. Here's everything you need to know.
What is IMU and when is it paid?
The IMU, or Single Municipal Tax, is a tax that the property owners must pay to the Municipality where the property is located. It applies mainly to buildings, agricultural land and building areas, with some exceptions.
Il balance of IMU 2024 must be paid by 16 December, while the 'deposit it was due by 17 June (since the 16th was a Sunday). If the rates have changed, you may need to make a balance. Furthermore, the taxpayer has the possibility of pay the entire IMU amount in a'only solution annual, to be paid always by June.
Who must pay the 2024 Imu balance?
They must provide for the payment i owners of:
- Luxury properties, even if used as a primary residence, belonging to the cadastral categories A/1 (luxury homes), A/8 (villas), and A/9 (castles, prestigious buildings).
- Buildings other than the main residence in which the registered residence and fixed abode have been established.
- Agricultural land.
- Building areas.
Furthermore, they are obliged to pay:
- The spouse assigned the marital home following legal separation, dissolution, annulment or cessation of the legal effects of the marriage.
- The lessee in the case of financial leasing, even for properties under construction or not yet built.
Who is exempt from paying IMU 2024
They are exempted from paying IMU owners of main residences in the following cadastral categories: A / 2 (civil dwellings), A / 3 (affordable housing), A / 4 (popular housing), A / 5 (ultra-popular housing), A / 6 (rural type dwellings), A / 7 (villa dwellings). Unless it is a luxury home, registered in the categories A / 1, A / 8 e A / 9, in this case the tax applies but with reduced rates (0,5%).
Imu 2024 Exemptions and Discounts: Who is entitled to them?
According to a ruling of the Constitutional Court, theImu on second home may be exempt if it is found to be the place of residence registry and mansion habitual of one of the spouses. This also applies in the case of de facto separation, provided that the spouse can demonstrate that he or she resides in the property, allowing both spouses to benefit from the exemption.
Among the others news, stands outexemption for rural buildings granted on loan to agricultural entrepreneurs, also recognized by the Tax Court of Justice. Furthermore, they are exempt Category D3 properties, such as cinemas, theatres, concert halls and discos, provided that the owner is also the manager of the business. The tax is also not payable by real estate goods, that is, those built by a company for sale and not rented.
I agricultural land they enjoy exemption if owned by direct farmers or professional agricultural entrepreneurs (Iap), or if they are located in mountainous, hilly areas or smaller islands. For those who have a board Esther, if received under an agreement with Italy, the IMU is reduced to 37,5% (a reduction of 62,5%).
Furthermore, a reduction of 25% for the properties rented at an agreed rent. Even those who grant in loan for use a property at first degree relatives (parents or children) can only pay the 50% of the tax, provided that the property is used as a primary residence and that the limit on properties owned is respected.
Finally, the uninhabitable properties are exempt, as are those registered as collapsing units. If the property is no longer habitable, it is possible to obtain exemption even in the case of demolition or transfer.
How to calculate Imu? Guide to calculating the tax
to calculate the Imu, we start from the cadastral income of the property, which can be found through the land registry. A tax applies to this income cadastral coefficient, which varies according to the type of property (for example, house, land, etc.).
Il process to follow is the following:
- Find the cadastral income of the property.
- Multiply the income by the specific cadastral coefficient for the type of property
- Add 5% to the land registry income (this step is fixed).
- Multiply the result by the IMU rate established by the relevant Municipality.
Il Calculating the actual amount It will depend on the length of time you own the property during the year.
Imu rates: what's new for 2024
In 2024, municipalities are still free to establish IMU rates, but they must do so through a resolution official, to be transmitted to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. If the Municipality has not updated the rates, the basic rates established by law apply.
From 1 January 2025, However, municipal administrations will have to use a work computerized to send the resolutions to the ministry. Until that date, they can continue to adopt the traditional methods. In the absence of an updated resolution, the basic rates will also be applied for the Imu balance, and the same will happen in the event that the rate established by the Municipality exceeds the maximum limit of 1,06%.
IMU payment methods: how and where to pay
The IMU payment must be made via the F24 form to own Reference municipality, that is, the one where the property is located. The balance can be paid at a Bank, post office, or online means home banking, newsletters or PagoPa service.
In the F24 form, you must enter the cadastral code of the property in the “entity code/municipality code” field and, if you own multiple properties, correctly indicate the number of properties, filling in a line for each property. One thing not to forget: you must not fill in the “Installment/month ref.” section because the amount cannot be paid in installments.
Alternatively, you can use the simplified F24 form, which presents a single page with fields named differently than the ordinary model. In this case, it is essential to remember to insert the code “EL” in the “Section” column.
Finally, some of the Most common tax codes to use are:
- 3913 for rural buildings for instrumental use
- 3914 for the land
- 3916 for building areas
- 3918 for other buildings
What to do in case of co-ownership of real estate
In the case of co-ownership, each owner is required to pay your dues (based on his percentage of ownership) and will have to proceed independently upon payment of the amount, without the possibility of payment by installments.
What happens if you don't pay IMU?
If the IMU is not paid within the established deadlines, the risk of incurring fines it is inevitable. And if the payment exceeds 60 days from the due date, in addition to the fine, you will also have to pay the interests Debt Lawyers. However, from 1 September 2024, some changes are expected that reduce the impact of the penalties, thanks to the Sanctions Decree (Legislative Decree no. 87 of 14 June 2024). In particular, the sanction for the Failure to pay the balance will be lowered from 30% to 25%. So, those who do not pay the deposit will face a 30% fine, but the balance will only be penalized with a 25% fine. Furthermore, if the payment is made with a delay not exceeding 90 days, the penalty will be reduced to 12,5%. Finally, for delays within 15 daysi, the Penalty will be calculated daily, equal to one fifteenth of the tax due for each day of delay, or 0,8333% per day. Although these changes reduce the weight of the penalties, it is still important to respect the deadlines to avoid penalties and further complications.