The return to the scene of the Rome Auditorium by Goffredo Bettini, where the former guru of Pd presented his book “Crossings”, it has the flavor of a political delirium, we don't know if it is more comical or more tragic. In a short time, Bettini, once very powerful in the Roman Democratic Party despite the list of his mishaps being quite long, has managed to rack up one blunder after another in a mix of populism and maximalist that is unlikely to bring luck to the left. Let's start from the first pearl that more than others started the festival of idiocies. Bettini claims: “The Conte government 2 it was the most left-wing government in the history of our country and bringing it down was a... political crime“. But how? Having sent home a Government which includes the disaster in its budget Basic income and, even more so, that Vajont of public accounts which is the Super bonus, paved the way for Draghi Government, the best government of this century. And would this be a “political crime”? Only those who enjoy going on their knees to Conte and the Five Star Movement can support such nonsense which, in truth, had already been heard in the mouth of the former Bersanian minister Roberto Speranza and to the then secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, who saw in Conte "the point of reference of Italian progressivism". But Bettini went further and paternalistically designed the political geography of the left, hinged on a "very broad field" represented by the deadly embrace between the Democratic Party and the M5S and by a center that for now exists only in his head, a center that excludes a priori Renzi and Calenda and who is betting on the return of Francesco Rutelli in the role of the prodigal son. And, in the end, the endorsement couldn't be missing Marco Tarquinio, candidate on the Democratic Party lists despite being against sending weapons to Ukraine and against women's right to abortion. Goffredo, crossing by crossing, why don't you return to your beloved Thailand? You would do less damage and save yourself this embarrassment.
Goffredo Bettini, a political delirium in 3 acts: subservience to Conte, disavowal of Draghi and support for Tarquinio
Only those who go on their knees to Conte can think that the Government of the leader of the Five Star Movement was better than that of Mario Draghi. But it is not the only political idiocy with which Goffredo Bettini, the former guru of the Roman Democratic Party, crowned his return to the scene