
Gentiloni on Alitalia: "It cannot survive without an agreement"

Alitalia's 12.300 workers have until 16pm on Monday to vote in the referendum on the agreement with the company, on which the recapitalization and recovery plan depends - If the No vote wins, the company risks going bankrupt - The warning of the premier.

"I am well aware that sacrifices are being asked of employees, but I know that without the agreement on the new industrial plan, Alitalia will not be able to survive". The prime minister says so Paolo Gentiloni in a statement, and adds that "while the consultation on the pre-agreement reached between Alitalia and the unions is underway, I feel the duty to remind everyone of the seriousness of the situation in which we find ourselves".

“Alitalia is a private company”, continues the premier, "in the face of its persistent and serious difficulties, the government has encouraged Italian and foreign shareholders to commit themselves to a new industrial plan and a strong recapitalization of the company". "I am well aware that - he concludes - employees are asked for sacrifices, but I know that without the agreement on the new industrial plan, Alitalia will not be able to survive".

Meanwhile, the vote on the minutes of confrontation between the company and the unions is on the third day. The turnout in the referendum which is dividing the staff more than in the past, "last night when the polls close at 21 it was about 55%" announced Uiltrasporti, recalling that voting will end at 16pm on Monday. The results will come in the evening. Then on April 26 the first post-referendum meeting between the company and the unions will be held in the Ministry of Economic Development.
