
Gallerie d'Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo museum, inaugurates the Milanese exhibition dedicated to Giovan Battista Moroni

From 6 December 2023 to 1 April 2024 at the Gallerie d'Italia – Milan, Intesa Sanpaolo museum, the exhibition Moroni (1521 – 1580). The portrait of his time edited by Simone Facchinetti and Arturo Galansino

Gallerie d'Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo museum, inaugurates the Milanese exhibition dedicated to Giovan Battista Moroni

The exhibition dedicated to the career of Giovan Battista Moroni presents over 100 works between drawings, books, medals, armour, but above all paintings coming from prestigious international museums such as the National Gallery in London, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Gemäldegalerie – Staatliche Museen in Berlin, the Musée du Louvre, the Museo Nacional del Prado, the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. the exhibition also sees the comparative presence of works by Lotto, Moretto, Savoldo, Anthonis Mor, Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto.

An exhibition divided into nine sections

The exhibition is divided into nine thematic nuclei with an in-depth study of the figure of Alessandro Bonvicino known as Moretto, Moroni's master. Starting from the beginning of the 40s, Moroni is documented in his master's workshop in Brescia where he began to collect graphic notes that would form a notebook of drawings, presented on the occasion of the exhibition.

Morone's “Portraits”.

Moroni is above all known for the portraits that we can admire in the section of the exhibition he exhibits portraits of power, in particular it is possible to admire the portraits of Titian and Tintoretto. The “Portrait of a Podestà” from 1560-65 from the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo is interesting. Furthermore, a section dedicated to natural portraits and the personalities of his time among which the poet Isotta Brembati, the aristocrats Prospero Alessandri, Giovan Gerolamo Grumelli and Gabriel de la Cueva (future Governor of Milan) stand out. The exhibition ends with Il Tailor, from the National Gallery in London, considered Moroni's most iconic painting.

John Bazoli, President Emeritus of Intesa Sanpaolo, states: “We are pleased to present a wide-ranging exhibition project dedicated to Giovan Battista Moroni, which allows us to rediscover and admire in the spaces of the Gallerie d'Italia one of the most beautiful and intense pages of sixteenth-century Lombard and Italian painting. This initiative, in which important national and international museums participated, seals our bank's commitment to enhancing the heritage of Brescia and Bergamo, in the year in which they were the Capital of Italian Culture. "

The exhibition, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, is included in the Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023 program and is organized in partnership with the Accademia Carrara di Bergamo and the Brescia Musei Foundation.
