Eurozone: industrial PMI index at the highest level since 2015

Economic activity grows in Europe. To say it is the iPMI index of the currency union, which in October passed to 53,7 from 52,6 in September, the highest since last December. Surprised analysts, who had forecast a more contained growth to 52,8. Both the manufacturing PMI index increased, reaching 53,3 (consensus at 52,6) from 52,6 in September, and the services PMI, which rose to 53,5 (consensus at 52,5) ​​from 52,2 in previous month. For the manufacturing PMI, this is the highest level for 30 months now.

Looking at individual countries, the PMI manufacturing index tedesco it rose this month to 55,1 points from 54,3 points in September. Again, the estimates of economists have been exceeded. The services index jumped to 54,1 points from 50,9 points in September. Experts had predicted a value of 51,5 points. The composite PMI rose to 55,1 points, against 52,8 points in September and a consensus at 53,3 points.

The PMI index French, on the other hand, rose to 51,3, the highest in 10 months, from 49,7 in September, exceeding the 50 point threshold. The services sector, however, fell from 53,3 to 52,1, pushing the composite index down to 52,2 from 52,7.

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