
European elections: a decalogue for voting? The “Rete Tutti Europa” tries its hand at Italian candidates

The “Tutti Europa ventitrenta” Association has presented a decalogue for the Italian candidates, with the aim of evaluating their commitment to a more integrated EU, based on the values ​​of human dignity, freedom, democracy and the rule of law

European elections: a decalogue for voting? The “Rete Tutti Europa” tries its hand at Italian candidates

The race for the European elections has begun. There are three months to go and in our house there isn't a day in which we don't discuss and argue. The latest brawl broke out between Clement Mastella e Carlo Calenda who would have called the mayor of Benevento a mafioso. The Union of 27 states arrives at the elections in a worrying state of health. The right rides it and the political thermometer - not just Italian - is getting hotter and hotter. Unfortunately, political controversies generate a sense of emptiness among voters. Yet other countries are pushing to extend the EU list. Who will decide? With what criteria? Why not subject the new demands to a referendum? And after June 9th can a single leader represent all of Europe? A single figure in the role of president of the Commission and the Council? Around these themes the association “All Europe twenty-thirty”, one of the oldest pro-European organisations, has launched the original proposal for a decalogue for Italian candidates. The association has been active since the 70s and has built the "Rete Tutti" which brings together diplomats, university professors, managers and journalists. For the June elections he has developed 10 points to discuss with those who want to go to Strasbourg. Meetings are being organized in various cities and from there we will understand if it was one good idea

A more cohesive Europe

The charm of the seat in Europe with its appurtenances does not deteriorate. The Tutti Network has a conciliatory and pacifist vision of Europe. On his newspaper site there are important articles and contributions and on the occasion of the invasion ofUkraine the channel (the first in Italy) “Voci da Kiev” was activated with direct testimony from people who escaped the bombings. Will Ukraine join the EU? It could be the test of that referendum that the Internet is proposing and would do tabula rasa of overt or poorly hidden vetoes.

But what need was there for a decalogue for the candidates? Because future members of Parliament will have a crucial role in defining the future of the European Union. “The document is intended to be a litmus test to evaluate the candidates' willingness to commit themselves forever greater EU integration. It wants to help introduce truly European elements into a campaign that promises to be focused on national political issues" explains a note. On the site you can read the full version of the Decalogue inspired by human dignity, freedom, democracy and the rule of law. The contents are the result of analyzes and evaluations also by diplomatic and institutional representatives who worked in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Save Next Generation and Green Deal

Despite the mistakes of the outgoing Parliament and the Commission of Ursula von der Leyen, the Tutti Network believes that the Next Generation EU and the Green Deal should be maintained. These are programs that have opened many avenues, but paradoxically have ended up limiting the strength ofEuropean impact in the global scenario. The parliamentary counterweight has often been missing in a contradictory and faltering continuity. The right-wing governments have had time to define the attacks on agriculture, green transition, customs duties, European defense and migration.

There is not yet a European Constitution, but in the proposed decalogue there is another important point: future parliamentarians could claim a place in the UN Security Council or a single representative within NATO. Bogged down by treaties and directives, Parliament must reform them, to demonstrate that it really is close to citizens. We will see already in June, with the vote, whether this will have an effect.
