The next European multiannual budget 2021-2027 it could penalize Italian agriculture with a deadweight loss of 2,7 billion euros. Less support that would compromise all the recovery plans conceived in recent years. To pay the consequences of such a cut, in addition to the million and a half farms, would be the Regions and Municipalities that help the agricultural sector. The Presidents of the Regions are alarmed and have sent a very harsh document to Brussels signed together with Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the European Committee of the Regions and Antonio De Caro, President of the Association of Italian Municipalities.
Italian agriculture is the third in Europe by turnover and number of employees. The latest survey by Nomisma ascertained an increase in profitability from 7,8% in 2011 to 8,6% in 2016. The document, which raises fears of the worst for the environmental repercussions and effects on production systems, calls into question also the Italian government. The Northern League's Gian Marco Centinaio is in the Ministry of Agriculture and everything would point to his support for the note from the Regions. But it is not certain, because the document sent to Brussels strongly criticizes the sovereignist, self-referential tendencies of some governments, which every other day seem to affect the Italian executive. The Minister will be able to choose. The anxieties of Italy's governors are part of a larger concern which – from immigration, to budgetary policies, to sanctions on Russia, to the fight against climate change – is presenting unprecedented aspects to Europe, previously only feared. The muscles shown are disturbing, but can be deflated with content and skills.
Economic events, as always, help to understand the stakes better than anything else. Sovereignist? anti-European? Protectionist? Europe must give strong responses to citizens' expectations. “Unfortunately, the European Commission's proposals for the next long-term budget risk aggravating the situation and further increasing the distance between Europe and its citizens”. So agriculture, eco-sustainable productions that become the battleground against unbearable cuts. But also the overall reductions of 10% for all sectors. "The situation would also be made worse by new conditionalities on aid - not only on fiscal discipline but also on structural reforms - and a tendency to centralize indicators and procedures at the national level" they wrote in Brussels.
In the end, the Italian representatives of the local authorities want to affirm a role of mending between citizens and Europe. They also look ahead and must be taken without personal or group ulterior motives. One year after the 2019 European elections, they launched the popular consultation - "Reflecting on Europe" - against electoral abstention and the rise of nationalisms. They recall that it is up to them to implement 70% of the decisions and projects approved in the EU. If they stop trusting, if they don't have the help of their government, everything can collapse. Starting from the sectors that up to now have rewarded the economy of their country.