Mario Draghi also convinces the world of business and work. This is not surprising if one considers the economist's origins and his own political program (which among other things provides for a tax reform but no flat tax), but today the former president of the ECB has also collected, after that of practically all parties in the parliamentary arc (except for the Brothers of Italy and doubtless on a part of the 5 Star Movement), the support of the social partners, Confindustria and the main trade unions. In fact, the prime minister in charge, after the double round of parliamentary consultations, met the leaders of the employers' and workers' representatives.
“We have expressed our most convinced support for Draghi's action and the lively hope that the consensus will be broad and solid. There really is a lot to do and it has to be done quickly and well”, said the president of the industrialists Carlo Bonomi, not however exaggerating too much about the contents of the meeting. “Confindustria it does not intend to fuel indiscretions in any way on what President Draghi intends to do, not only because of the absolute respect we have for the president in charge but because we are convinced that President Draghi's program will only have to be made public when he is the one to illustrate it to Parliament ".
Bonomi, on the other hand, presented the agenda of priorities to Draghi from the point of view of Confindustria: "From the national recovery and resilience plan to the vaccination plan, from the reform of social safety nets and active employment policies to the reform of the public administration and its procedures, from the need for a large public-private alliance to multiply investments and concentrate them where they are most needed for the country's recovery, taking into consideration the weight of the emergency debt that companies have contracted, with the tax reform, the general sustainability of public finance given the trend of the debt”.
The response from the meeting with the unions was also good, with whom the extension of the layoffs freeze and the hot topics at work was inevitably discussed: "We asked to confirm the layoffs freeze, the Covid fund and support for businesses - has explained the general secretary of the CISL, Annamaria Furlan – at the end of the consultations with Mario Draghi. The blocking of layoffs must not be sine die but the right times are needed to reform the social safety nets and finally get active labor policies off the ground".