Conte opens Phase 3 but the country-project remains vague


“The data is encouraging. We can leave." With these words, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte opened the press conference accompanying the reopening of the country, with the easing of some constraints including that of moving freely between the Regions. Phase 3 therefore starts with confidence, also because Phase 2 can be said to have ended successfully: "About a month after May 4, we can say it with relative caution but clearly: the numbers are encouraging", said the prime minister, who then explained how the restart of Italy, in particular how the resources put in place in these weeks will be used.

“The only effective measures against the virus are physical distancing and the use of masks where necessary. Abandoning these precautions is a serious levity ”, Conte was keen to reiterate before moving on to the government program. The crisis, says the prime minister, will be “an opportunity to overcome the structural problems and redesign the country. We are intervening to pay more bonuses and social safety nets. We have to work better to support businesses, we have to work on inclusion and fight inequalities. It is a demanding project but the sum that the EU will make available to Italy cannot be considered a treasure which the current government will be able to dispose of. It will be a resource in favor of the country system, which the government takes charge of ”.

To give a boost to the country it will be necessary, then, "relaunching public and private investments, cutting bureaucracy". By streamlining procedures, therefore, new international investors will be attracted and "the government will proceed as soon as possible with a tax reform, which will allow us to pay less and pay everyone," Conte said. As for resources, the prime minister reiterated his adherence to the Sure programme, the EIB program and the Recovery Fund, which will guarantee Italy several tens of billions of euros. On the Mes, however, the game is still open: “When we have all the regulations there, I will bring it to Parliament and we will decide with Parliament. It seems that it is money given away but I remember that it is a loan, a series of forecasts included in the regulation must be evaluated ".

The prime minister therefore intends to convene a sort of general state of the economy, i.e. listen to everyone (including the opposition) in view of a project to modernize the country, which however for now does not go much beyond mere titles and maintains an inevitable vagueness .

The premier then answered questions from journalists, some of which related to the theme of infrastructure, for which Conte announced a major commitment to the high-speed railway network, especially in the South. "When there are projects, without prejudice I will I will sit at a table and I will also evaluate the bridge over the Strait ", he said in an indirect reply to his ally Matteo Renzi, while on the Autostrade match Conte replied that "the government will decide on the revocation of the concession to Aspi, the extremes are there. For now, the settlement proposals will be evaluated if they are advantageous”. Finally, there was one response to the new president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi, who had used harsh words against politics: “Unhappy words that I return to the sender. Confindustria does not limit itself to asking for lower taxes”. But then Conte said he expected far-sighted projects from the industrialists

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