
Bramante Cloister in Rome: the EMOTION exhibition between truth, appearance and fiction in art

More than twenty artists, more than twenty works, many of which are site specific: the EMOTION exhibition at the Chiostro del Bramante takes the public on a journey of emotions, the exhibition curated by Danilo Eccher is set up at the Chiostro del Bramante (Rome) open until 7 January 2024

Bramante Cloister in Rome: the EMOTION exhibition between truth, appearance and fiction in art

The exhibition EMOTION confirms the idea of ​​DART Chiostro del Bramante and Danilo Eccher of being able to create great contemporary narratives in which from a first idea/theme, in this case the contrast between truth and fiction in art, with emotion as an effect of this dichotomy, art can enter into a relationship in a context wider with the philosophy, literature, architecture. According to Eccher, having overcome the traditional method of exhibiting, it is necessary to create paths in which the public is called not only to "watch" but to immerse themselves, having ever different and better readings with certainly broader involvement in terms of quality and quantity.

A three meter high mushroom welcomes and invites you on a journey, it had already happened in a fairy tale

This time the mushroom is from Carsten Höller and the journey is in art. In the exhibition we find ourselves faced with the very tall figures of Luigi Mainolfi, while in the outer cloister, walking on an ocean floor; in the disorientation of the imaginary cathedrals of Piero Pizzi Cannella and in the wonder of his Camera Picta inspired by Raphael; with the enchantment of the light and sound refractions of the Northern Lights recreated by the interactive work of Alessandro Sciaraffa; with the attraction towards the haunted forest of the video installation by Masbedo (Nicolò Massazza and Iacopo Bedogni) or the hypnotic attraction of the neon playscopes of Paul Scirpa.

A journey of emotions thanks to the environment of Gregor Schneider; a universe of colors through the separable prisms of the Korean artist Kimsooja; a dreamlike microcosm of possible and impossible visions of Tony oursler; the great superhero figures reimagined by Adrian Tranquilli up to the site specific project of Nedko
Solakov which brings us back to the dimension of narration in a witty, at times ironic, key.

And if the ceiling, the floor and the walls were surrounded by a forest of brambles and dragonflies by Pietro Ruffo, what emotion would you feel? What if you could walk among Luigi Ontani's Herme and feel part of it? And if the intention of Laure Prouvost, with her video installation and the large mechanical chandelier, was to make you feel a heavenly ecstasy, would you abandon yourself? And what curiosity moves the visitor to explore, investigate and try to discover the most hidden meanings in Matt Collishaw's still lifes, also created thanks to artificial intelligence?

EMOTION is a dense and unexpected dialogue between truth and appearance

Eva Jospin he puts his emotions into cardboard landscapes and architecture; Annette
Le Messager he lowers them from the ceiling, dedicating them to the human body, through photographs inside nets
fishing boats, colorful shapes and a large Pinocchio; The collective AES + F in the one that defines
“social psychoanalysis” reveals and explores the values, vices and conflicts of global culture
Contemporary; Subodh Gupta uses objects to evoke memories and finally Paul
Morrison, thanks to his neo-romantic and pop-naturalist drawings, leads into landscapes and
unexpected emotions.

On the cover: Annette Messager – Pénétration, 2012-2023
elements made of fabric and photographs
© Annette Messager / ADAGP2023
courtesy: the artist / the Artist and Marian Goodman Gallery
photo adicorbetta
