Berlusconi: agreement signed with the League

“Habemus papam. At half past one this night the agreement between my political formation and the Northern League was signed in Arcore“. The leader of the Pdl said it, Silvio Berlusconi, during an interview on Rtl102.5 radio. The Knight explained that he had signed the agreement with "Robert Maroni. He will be a candidate for common president in the Lombardy Region, I will be the federator of the coalition“. In the afternoon the confirmation arrived in the press conference by the secretary of the League, Roberto Maroni. 

As for the premier candidate, Berlusconi said it has yet to be decided, but in the event of a victory for the centre-right, Pidiellino could be the secretary Angelino Alfano. The Knight would therefore be satisfied with the role of minister of the economy.

“I've already indicated it, I think it will still be him, Angelino Alfano, if we win – clarified Berlusconi -. My experience as a businessman and government man, or as a non-government man due to the few powers he has as prime minister, I think is the right one to get my hands on in the cauldron. If we win I'd rather be Minister of Economy having been in the trenches many years.”

The age-old controversy over the electoral symbol is therefore back in the news. “The next presidency committee will decide on the symbol – concluded the Cavaliere -, which will be that of the PDL with the words 'Berlusconi president' underneath, i.e. I will be the leader of the party and it will be me, in case of victory, who will indicate the prime minister candidate to be chosen by the President of the Republic”.

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