
ELECTIONS - Berlusconi: "We will return the IMU" - Monti: "He doesn't keep his promises"

ELECTIONS – Abolishing the IMU and returning 4 billion paid to taxpayers on first homes: this is the proposal launched by Berlusconi who, for the umpteenth time in his political history, seeks the consent of the voters by playing on the illusion of reducing taxes – Secca Monti's reply: "Berlusconi has governed for years and has not kept any promises"

ELECTIONS - Berlusconi: "We will return the IMU" - Monti: "He doesn't keep his promises"

How easy it was to predict, Silvio Berlusconi play the tax joker in the electoral campaign. Immediately return the 4 billion paid in 2012 by the Italians for the IMU on first homes and abolish the IMU itself. The other time he had promised to abolish ICI, which is at the origin of the IMU because there weren't the resources to cancel it and in his absence Italy was going bankrupt, and we saw how it ended. Now he tries again in an attempt to come back and win the elections in extremis. Will he make it? They will decide on February 24th the memory and common sense of voters.

The Knight promised to abolish the IMU and to repay the sums paid last year by the Italians on their first home "within a month" of the first Council of Ministers of the future government in which he is a candidate to be the new Minister of Economy and Development. Furthermore, he has promised to cancel Irap "in five years", to induce the public administration to pay the creditor companies "in 30-60 days" and has excluded both the property tax and new VAT increases. To finance all these promises and in particular the restitution of the IMU, Berlusconi has pulled the rabbit out of his hat, arguing that the coverage would derive from the one-off "25-30 billion" that would come from the agreement with Switzerland on Italian current accounts in the Swiss banks, which would also guarantee an additional flow of five billion a year. The former prime minister also promised – in his new illusionary “contract with the Italians” – to reduce the public spending of 80 billion euros in 5 years, 16 billion a year.

It goes without saying that Berlusconi's exits were considered by all his political opponents as sailor's promises. Prime Minister Mario Monti was sharp: “It's magnificent. Berlusconi has governed for years and has not kept any promises. He did not make the liberal revolution or reduce taxes. Berlusconi created so many problems that he had to leave. He tries for the fourth time, but the Italians have a good memory ”.

Bersani: “In America the Super Bowl, in Italy the Super Balla”.
Cricket: "Berlusconi is not credible, he is out of history".
Fini: "And in the second CDM, Berlusconi will make a decree to guarantee certain winnings to Lotto players….".
Vendola: “It's like Wanna Marchi is back”.
